太仓人才网 [登录] 2024年05月17日 星期五 您是第 1909617960 位访者(今天第 851069 位访问者)  目前在线 505版本更新 设为首页 | 加入收藏
职位关键词(点击搜索): 大客户经理Key Account Manager; 大客户; Account; Manager; 经理; Key; 

大客户经理Key Account Manager (982826)

招聘单位:翰备机械部件(太仓)有限公司 [2024-05-17]  阅读:

职位名称: 大客户经理Key Account Manager 职位类别: 市场/销售类:客户经理
工作性质: 全职 应聘/招聘人数: 20/1
工作地区: 太仓新区 作息制度: 双休
住房食宿: [提供工作餐] 月薪水平: 面议或未公开
工作描述: Responsibilities

1. Develop trust relationships with a portfolio of major global clients to generate long-term revenue and profits growth in Asia.
2. Acquire a thorough understanding of key customer needs and requirements 3. Expand the relationships with existing customers by continuously proposing
solutions that meet their objectives
4. Coordinate with internal departments to develop new innovative services solutions in line with global customer requirements
5. Support on the development and implementation of corporate strategy through advanced key account management practices
6. Ensure that correct products and services are delivered to customers in a timely manner
7. Serve as the link of communication between key customers and internal teams, particularly engineering and manufacturing
8. Resolve any issues and problems faced by customers and deal with related complains
9. Prepare regular reports of progress and forecasts to internal and external stakeholders using key account metrics

Requirements and Skills

1. Three to Five years of experience within the industrial manufacturing or trading business in Asia/China (experience with customers such as Siemens/GE/Zeiss/Etc. would be preferred)
2. Knowledge of RFQ / Quotation process and Pricing sensitivity for industrial businesses in Asia
3. Basic understanding of Key Account management practices
4. Basic understanding of logistic solutions (Kanban/VMI/Inventory Management/Etc.)
5. Basic understanding of Import/Export processes in China
6. Familiarity in using ERP/CRM systems
7. Ability to read prints/drawings and basic understanding of manufacturing standards as well as different Units such as Metric / Imperial
8. Basic analytical, planning and customer
communication/coordination/negotiations skills
9. Highly disciplined and trustful person with capability to follow company processes / procedures
10. Basic technical understanding / knowledge of mechanical manufacturing processes such as Sheet Metal / CNC Machining / etc. would be a plus
11. Language: Basic English (Required), Japanese (Plus), Korean (Plus)
学历要求: 本科 专业类别: 不限
专业名称: 不限 户籍要求: 不限
适宜性别: 不限
年龄要求: 28 - 40 工作经验: 5 年
外语能力: 不限 计算机能力: 熟练
技能资质: 不限
其它要求: 不限
职位首次录入: 2023-09-25 11:04:49
大客户经理Key Account Manager-翰备机械部件(太仓)有限公司



[05-17] 大客户经理Key Acco... 面议
[05-17] 质量实习生(2025毕业) 3000+
[05-17] 生产实习生(2025毕业) 3000+
[05-17] 数控铣技术员 面议
[05-17] 焊接工程师 面议



太仓人才网 太仓人才网WAP 苏州市人力资源服务业知名品牌 关于我们 网页制作/数据库:阳光技术小组 QQ阳光客服 版权所有:太仓市瑞福尔人力资源服务有限公司
ICP许可证:苏B2-20190061;苏ICP备10224897号-1;软著登字第0395877号; 营业执照;人力资源

本页更新时间:2024-05-17 16:38:33 []